5 Tips to Boost Media Shares and Conversion

Social media is a powerful marketing tool for your business, but if your followers aren’t engaging with or sharing your content, you won’t see much growth. A great social media marketing strategy is what turns likes and shares into leads and sales. With a little effort, these simple five tips can help you increase media shares and engagement 

Use of Videos

The use of videos and live streaming in your content marketing strategy will increase your media shares and conversion rate. Did you know that Facebook generates 8 billion views per day? Not only that, but 64 percent of consumers are more likely to purchase a product, subscribe to a blog, or visit a website after watching a related video.

The most popular type of videos could include live webinars, Q&A sessions, events, etc., or anything that allows your followers to interact with you in real-time. Other popular videos include how to’s, behind-the-scenes, and customer testimonials. Just make sure to keep your videos short and sweet: no longer that 1 min and 30 seconds. If you want to incentivize your audience, offer an exclusive deal for viewers who tune into your live broadcast.


Visuals Boost Engagement

Social media is a visual medium, and the use of visuals gets people clicking and sharing your content. Posts with visuals generate 94 percent more views than posts that don’t.

If you’re up for it, a funny meme or GIF can show off the personality of your brand. If not, spend time developing infographics as they get the most likes and shares out of any type of content on social media. Just make sure all images match your brand and marketing strategy.

For an organic feel, you can also post pictures of your team at an event, behind-the-scenes, or working on a project.

Engage with Your Followers

Your followers want to know that you’re listening to them and you care about their needs and wants, not just trying to get their money. It’s just as important to respond to a negative review or comment as it is to respond to a good one. By responding to a negative review in a genuine and helpful way, you could save the client, and also attract new clients with your empathy.

You can also hold contests for your followers and offer them some exclusive deal if they share your post or use a specific hashtag. These strategies will also increase your business’s visibility.

Social Media

Be a Brand Expert

We all know that content is king, but it doesn’t always have to be your content that you post. If you are sharing content that is relevant to your industry, people will see you as an expert and come to you for the latest news in your niche.

Curating content from other trusted sites is also a great way to fill in the gaps in your content strategy. Doing this will increase new followers, brand recognition, and social shares.

Knowing Optimal Times to Post

Knowing when to post is just as important as knowing what to post. Your followers are most likely to engage with your content at certain times, and knowing this will help you to post with better responsiveness.

When is the right time to post? Answering this question requires a bit of research with the use of analytic tools. Using analytics will help you gauge when your followers are interacting the most, and what types of posts receive the most engagement. Some great analytic tools are CoSchedule, Buffer, and Hubspot.

When done right, social media marketing strategies helps gain traffic and attention to your business; which equals increased brand recognition and sales.

Read more about boosting your social media at Tech.Co

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Written by:
James Jones is a seasoned digital marketing expert who loves to write about subjects that help small businesses grow their brands. James cares about people and businesses, and tries to show it through his writing by producing both generous and accurate content. He stays abreast of industry trends and news, making it easy for him to stay relevant. When he’s not spending time helping clients conquer their niche online - you can find him hanging out with friends. He also enjoys meeting new people and welcomes you to interact with him via Twitter and Google+.
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