1Password Is Rolling Out Passkey Management Features

You'll be able to download the beta extension on June 6th for multiple browsers, including Safari, Firefox, and Chrome.

Another password manager is accepting our inevitably passwordless future, with 1Password announcing plans to get passkey management on its popular platform in the near future.

Let’s be honest, passwords are annoying. In fact, a study to that effect was released recently that showed that 70% of everyday users agree that the outdated security method is frustrating enough to warrant some kind of significant replacement.

Fortunately, the passwordless movement has been cruising at quite a clip lately, with popular online service announcing passkey functionality that will leave passwords in the past where they belong.

Passkey Management Coming to 1Password

1Password finally announced that it would rolling out passkey management functionality on its password management platform. Don’t get too excited, though, as the feature is currently in beta and isn’t available just yet.

You’ll be able to download the beta extension on June 6th for multiple browsers, including Safari, Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Arc, and Brave.

Additionally, the functionality at that time will be limited, which is of course understandable given its status as a beta. You won’t be able to replace your master password with a passkey until July 2023, as chief product officer Steve Won told the Verge, and mobile functionality is not available at this time.

The Future Is Passwordless

There’s no denying that, when used correctly, passwords are an excellent security tool that can seriously protect your information from hackers and other nefarious actors.

Unfortunately, the reality is that not a single person on planet Earth follows password best practices, because it’s nearly impossible. With the average user having over a hundred passwords, the idea of remembering that many unique, hard-to-guess credentials is unreasonable at best.

As a result, many services have begun providing passwordless solutions like passkeys. This login method involves simply have your account accessed through your personal devices authentication tools, like biometric data or PIN codes. Even better, the majority of users are already comfortable with passwordless options, so the transition will be a smooth one.

Is 1Password a Good Password Manager?

This move to finally make a push to integrate passwordless features like passkeys into its platform definitely endears us to 1Password a bit more. Considering it’s almost certainly the future of online security, any online service that’s protecting your data should at least be working towards ditching passwords once and for all.

As for whether 1Password is one of the best password managers, we’d say it’s a solid choice for beginners that require an easy-to-use interface.

However, our research found that NordPass is actually the best password manager, thanks to flexible pricing options and solid functionality. Can these passwordless features get 1Password to the top spot? We’ll have to wait and see when the features roll out to users beyond the beta.

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Conor is the Lead Writer for Tech.co. For the last six years, he’s covered everything from tech news and product reviews to digital marketing trends and business tech innovations. He's written guest posts for the likes of Forbes, Chase, WeWork, and many others, covering tech trends, business resources, and everything in between. He's also participated in events for SXSW, Tech in Motion, and General Assembly, to name a few. He also cannot pronounce the word "colloquially" correctly. You can email Conor at conor@tech.co.
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