Each month you get a wireless, internet and maybe a cable bill, probably gasp, and wonder why you are paying so much for these services.
There are a number of studies that have time and now, highlighted the issue of rising costs of internet and wireless telephone services. Although we are developing in terms of speed and connectivity, it seems that the phenomenon is entirely opposite when it comes to cost and packages. If you are worried about your budget or just looking to save some money, here are 4 tips to cutting down the dollars on your wireless, cable and internet bill:
Be Friendly
Seems obvious right. Actually, most of the people often misbehave with the customer care representatives of a telecom company. They completely forget that the person on the other end of the line is a human itself and not answering machine playing pre-recorded messages. While you feel relaxed venting out your frustration on a poor customer care executive, the company could make a note of your fussy behavior and flag you. This will cut short your chances to negotiate with the company whereas if you calm down and state your problem with patience to the executive, they might take a friendly approach to cater you with the best solution. Being friendly and courteous is key grabbing a special discount from a company provided you are arguing on genuine grounds.
Bundle Up
Bundle services are often considered as a scam by most of the customers, however, the company representatives have an entirely different story to tell. There are many companies that offer cost waivers if you bundle two or more services.
Not only this, but companies also offer special discounts or free internet bytes if you bundle new connections with your connection. You can also request the provider to offer you bundle discount as you are availing a number of services offered by them.
Approach for More
This might not be the right approach every time but if the chords strike; you can get a hefty bonus advantage on your internet consumption. When you get an advantageous deal from a service provider you must bargain for more discounts. Very often customer care representative offer ground level discounts at the start and if the customer’s requests for consideration, they revise the offer as per the case.
One of the most effective approaches is a switch offer; you may switch the service provider and avail all the services from a single source to get the benefit of bundle service. Expert customer care representatives accept that they have personally handled many cases where the customers have bagged a huge discount based on the way he/ she bargained for it.
However, here the success of the approach widely depends upon the representatives and how much they are willing to go out of the way to help you in saving a few more bucks.
13 Apps to Help You Become a Cord Cutter
Take the Alternative Route
All the above-mentioned tricks are more likely to result positive when you are either a long time customer of the company or your contract is about to end. However, if you are a new customer or looking to start a new contract there are fewer chances the customer care representatives will help you out. In such a situation, you may check for the many possible alternatives in the market and cut the cord. This way, either you may get a great deal from any of the competitors of your existing service provider or the new company itself would offer you a great deal as a retention technique.
The secret of limiting you internet, wireless and cable television bill lies with calling and bargain skills. So, do not wait any more, just pick up the phone, be nice, and start bargaining.